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Writer's pictureSamantha Stroud

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

This weekend, and week have been busy, busy! Noticing the reflection of being in my second trimester, and how things are really expanding in my life.

Through the first trimester I was in hermit mode. I stayed in a lot and needed a lot of rest. Almost immediately into my second trimester, I have been seeing my energy now able to go out and about more. I spent time with Veta and her daughter Kennedy most of the day Saturday! Showed her food and though and then took Kennedy to the park just around the corner. It was great fun! Many kids kept coming up to me and talking to me, i though this was interesting, I didn't see them really doing this to anyone else. I was wondering if it has to do with the fact that i am pregnant, or just because kids feel drawn to me.. maybe both. We then went back to Veta's for a bit. Her and I always have really deep conversations about things very few others will touch on the subjects of, and I am grateful to have someone to go there with. This was also a huge bonding day for kennedy and I. For the last hour or so i was there, she sat on my lap and snuggled with me, usually we are friends, today I earned another level of trust. she was very fond of my necklace too, my sun, and was giving it kisses, pressing it to her first eye, and her heart. I love watching what kids do with things, they are so much more in tune with life, haven't had all the distraction to turn them away. they're so much closer to spirit than most of us, i am grateful i have the practices set in that i do so that i can witness how kids communicate with what is greater than us.

Then on Sunday, Travis and i went and had lunch with My Great Aunt Jeannie and her husband, Uncle Rick. We were going to go to our mutual favorite breakfast spot, it was so packed, we ended up going to Brooks Burgers, which happened to be right next door. It was so nice to spend some time with them! After lunch, we took them to our home, "the Farm", and showed them around! This is a great time to see the place, other than the sweltering heat in the direct sunshine, it is so luscious and green here now, and in the shade, there is even a nice cool breeze. There was some fruit for them to try fresh from the trees, and even a mango that had just dropped that I sent home with them! She has since cut into it, and said it was DELICIOUS! What a wonderful visit! Travis and I will be watching their house and their sweet puppo Patch in the next week! I always like to catch up before we stay in their house, it would even be nice to be able to do it a little more often. after they headed home, i put the finishing touches on my presentation for monday! Monday came and I got ready for my big first lecture/presentation, at Keiser University! I didn't know many details of how long i had, how many students, what this class was that I was presenting too, what i did know was the information that I had to share. I arrived at 10:30 for an 11 O'clock Start, and soon found out these were nursing students. I had maybe 5 minutes of nervousness on the way in, and calmed myself with the knowing that i knew my information and if I wasn't meant to do this, i would not have received this opportunity. The instructor told me I had as long as I needed, she took me upstairs around 10:40, and I was started by 10:45, to a group of about 20. It was really great to see the interest from the students, even though I am coming from a very unmedicalized perspective. Many of them seemed to have AHA moments as well. I received great feedback after the talk, and even some personal stories that were then being processed through. I really In Joyed this opportunity and hope to have more teaching opportunities like this in the future!

Afterward, I went to visit Travis at work to let him know how everything went! Shared some stories and some love,and went on my way back home to Tico. I started to get ready for bed pretty early, did some yin yoga to settle in, and was in bed around 9. Alarm set for 3:45. Tuesday, Up and at it, I took my neighbor to have surgery done, she had to be at the hospital at 5am. After i dropped her off I headed over to Baker Park, a spot here in Naples where they have built a mound that you can watch the sunrise! I figured since i was up and already in the area, this was a great idea. I went and sat at the top of the mound and saw a sweet bunny right at the top, i sat on the ground and started to do some vocal work and meditation. the mosquitos started to swarm, more than i could handle to thank, so i heard the call to go back to the car for a bit. on my way I saw 2 GIANT TOADS, cane toads, invasive and toxic (to animals especially). I shined my light to look at them, admired and left them be... they pretended to play dead while I looked at them, maybe knowing if i touched them it would be haha to me(Toad meaning- The Universe is watching over you, You are protected, watch your words, stick to your path of growth, take giant strides, your environment creates your being). I picked up some trash and threw it away, and Back to the car I went, I still had about an hour until sunrise, so I laid in the back of my car and took a nice nap with a little battery powered fan i have to drown out the roadside noises. I rose just before the sun and headed back up to the top of the mound. The sun was HUGE.

I sat sungazing for a bit, and then headed for a walk along the trails. the first creature i came across was a little crab, maybe 2 inches across. then, as i turned back on the trail i heard a pileated woodpecker(power, wisdom, protection) and a what looked like a crow(communication with spirit, clean home, sacred law, change, death), didn't sound like one though. it seemed the black bird was trying to mess with the woodpecker, the woodpecker just kept doing its thang, moving around the tree, getting bugs. i saw one more bird, as i research it looked to be a juvenile Yellow Crowned night Heron(look deeper into aspects of your life, ground yourself regularly), it was speckled and had a shorter beak, stood at least 2 feet tall. Not a bird i had ever seen before! I also found what i thought was a form of mullein, used "picture this" and sure enough it was a nightshade mullein. Used in very different ways, still a good call! I left the park and went to catch breakfast with Travis at Food and thought. I also got some stuff done on the website, some new yoga classes, class passes, healing opportunities, and booking availability! Then we wandered to Barnes and Noble while waiting to get the call of when to pick up my neighbor. I got a call, things were good, just waiting for pt to teach her exercises, so a little longer wait than expected. Travis and I both got good new books, he got Dad's, Maybe Book, i started the first page and it had me in tears. I think a great way to learn about fathering is through another father's experiences, and Travis is already about 50 pages in. I bought Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. And am loving it too. This will be a great book for me, and to share with my clients! We wandered to get some lunch at True Food Kitchen, and then went home. I took a nap, and soon after getting up, My neighbor was ready to be picked up! I was very happy to be able to help. It was lovely getting to know her more as well, and i plan to make more stops by to learn more from her. She is also a birth worker, Mainly massage, though she has been a doula and taught prenatal yoga too! It is amazing the connections that are right under your nose, gifted by great creator. What a wonderful day full of great experiences, and connections. Today, i slept in, recuperating from lack of sleep yesterday, and also some very strange dreams this am. my dreams are always intense and i always ask/seek for the deeper meaning within them. While pregnant though, i have noticed that things are coming up with more urgency, dreams make me feel really emotional in so many ways, usually with something to scare me. i feel so that I dive deeper into the patterning causing them and can clear these ancestral traumas from my life before baby comes, so baby never has to experience them. As I went to go outside to water the plants, there was a black snake(transformation, rebirth, renewal) in our stairwell, right outside our front door. it was coming to see me, I feel I am really on the right track with the healing I feel needs to be done from these dreams. So today i have been doing deep internal work. lots of vocal practice, which i feel is really our best healer. it brings things up i never knew i could reach. sending the vibrations to places of discomfort in my body, so to move stuck energy through, and while doing this I receive "downloads" as to the connection of what is causing these tensions energetically.

I will now do some reading, studying, yin yoga, and figure out dinner. I have had a serious craving for Indian food, so I am thinking that's what my body needs, something about the spices and the way it is all cooked! YUMMM!! I know this is a long one, I appreciate you witnessing my story, witnessing my healing, my journey. Thank you for being you! I love you!


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Jul 13, 2023

Sending lots of love to you ❤️😘


Jul 13, 2023

Very interesting stuff regarding the dreams and the healing. Very important to do the cleansing and healing ❤️🥰. Love reading about your journey. You are really going to appreciate this journal years down the road.

So I wanted to share with you an app that I use to identify different birds. It can determine the bird by site or by sound! We have soooo many birds around our house so I wanted to identify all the cool, beautiful sounds.

The app is the Merlin Bird ID.

Here is a link to their website info:

Hope you enjoy this app as much as I do!

Samantha Stroud
Samantha Stroud
Jul 14, 2023
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Having this to look back at is a great point. it's kind of my reflection of the book that Travis just bought from the father telling stories of his sons, writing to them as if they're adults.

And this app is wonderful, thank you for the share! I was on with my guess, I wish I could go back and catch the crow noises though, they were so out of the ordinary. This will be a very useful tool!

So much love to you!!!

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