Happy Father's Day!!
No matter how your father has been in your life, it's good to be grateful for him. You are here because of him, and you are here for a reason. You know how I know? Because you're here.
I am grateful for my dad for so many reasons, I'll make a list:
Being a great protector.
Offering a safe place.
Being present in my life.
Always doing what he thought was best.
Loving unconditionally.
Allowing me to be wholly me.
Scaring the boys in school away.
Dancing in the car.
In joying music with morals.
Being aware of deeper meaning in life.
Continuing to grow.
Connection with the divine.
Love of good food.
Importance of family.
Teaching/learning through experience.
Ability to be silly.
Voice talent.
Entrepreneurial spirit.
Growing into self love.
Knowing when I need/needed him most.
And so many more!
I have to say, I didn't always see all of these things as things to be grateful for. I am grateful I can see it this way now. We have grown greatly together and I wouldn't trade my dad for anything in the world. In many ways he has shown me the beautiful things in life, even the unseen. We have had many deep conversations, and seen life very differently. All in all he has taught me acceptance, and to learn from every situation. Whether the lesson was direct or indirect, I hear it, and am here for it.
I love you Daddio 💝
OMG this just makes my heart so full 💞. Absolutely love this!
Awe thank you Samantha. You are
a blessing. A very sweet and loving woman. I am proud and honored to be your father! Happy father's day!... lol