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Monday, July 17, 2023

Writer's picture: Samantha StroudSamantha Stroud

Finishing the day off with a good book, my sweet boy climbed into my lap to join me. I think he was in joying it as much as I was, reading stories of natural childbirth, he is just as excited to have his brother (so my intuition tells me) come through in this way. Cats are our spiritually inclined protectors and teachers (dogs are intune to spirits as well, though they are more physical protectors). Especially this boy. Every time I do yoga, or am meditating, or tuning in to my body and tuning out of the physical, he is there by my side, oftentimes sitting right behind me looking in the opposite direction. Watching my back.

There have been times when I allow Tico to guide my every movement through the day, he always points me to do the things that need to be done, or when it's a fine time for some meditation. I have learned a lot from him, for example, when he gets out of a situation he didn't like so much, he doesn't fuss, he has a full body shake. So, I began to do this after these kinds of situations, and with the full body shake, it causes a shiver almost, and you can feel the energy you had picked up leave your body. Try it. I had noticed this after I did some study of Thai bodywork, and in this type of bodywork you work the energy to the end of the extremities and then release the energy with a shake of the hand, and thought of love to how it served the person you are working on. This is the thought I then put to the full body shake. You may feel silly, I think that's part of what then makes me smile, what's wrong with being silly sometimes?

Back to Tico reading, I feel when he supports something I am doing he will make his way over, give love, purr, snuggle. He doesn't do this when he doesn't approve. I feel blessed to be able to communicate so well with this sweet kitty, and to have him in my life. He also was a big factor in approving Travis 😂, he loves him very much. Often times I will be doing body work on Travis, and Tico comes over to help me. He gives THE BEST BELLY RUBS. He knows right where you need the pressure, everytime. Or when I would get my period and feel pressure, he would lay on my low belly and purr until the pressure feeling subsided. Cats are super beings. There's something to it.

When I first felt I was pregnant, Travis went to put his hand on my belly, and at the same time, Tico placed his right on top of Travis'. They both looked at me, Travis said,"it's a boy thing". I know this baby will be so loved, is so loved already!

Recent conversations I have had with baby have told me that it's our little man, Freeman, and his sister is waiting for him to be a few years old to join us. That way he can help to protect her. I had originally thought they may come as twins, they decided better to take their turns. I had also been feeling the placenta(the babies guardian angel)s spirit strong in the beginning, and I think that made me think twins. For a while now though, Travis and I have felt the spirit of our babies, Freeman and Raya Love with us, since very soon after Travis and I met. We just always asked they come when we were truly ready.

Here they begin. Our family together starts to grow, and I attribute the comfort to the doula training we did. I also learned how to truly step into the feminine/submissive, allowing him to stand fully in the masculine/dominant. Learning the ways to properly relate really expanded our relationship, and continues to expand our relationship. As the woman/submissive, we must trust and respect our man (we choose them for their ability to guide our family forward), and in turn we then get the love we desire from them. When I surrendered to this, it became easier to see where I had been trying to control, and the outcome of controlling was not what I was seeking. The outcome of the surrender brought on more whole hearted love, and ultimately this baby. At first, this letting go was not easy, I knew I had to do it to end the suffering I was creating. Everything in life is truly a reflection of how we are feeling, and what we are creating. When we realize this, we can shift life to work in our favor. Again, this isn't easy, and as I like to say, it takes breakdowns to make breakthroughs. These breakthroughs are always greater than we could have ever imagined.

Often times, when we feel discomfort we like to point the finger at others. As soon as I start to do this, I listen to what it is I am pointing this dinner at someone else for, and ask myself how I could be the one truly feeling that way. If then forces me to either know I am creating my suffering, and continue suffering, or to shift my mindset, shifting my actions and behaviors. I have lived a much more fulfilling life since choosing these shifts.

This is the work I am here for, for myself and others, I am here to hold safe space, a safe container. I know for me it was helpful to have a guide along the way who had some the work too. This has helped me to feel more at ease and at peace.

Today I got a lot of work done on the website, making it easier to find what I offer, and some things are still coming. I have set a yoga schedule with live and virtual classes that can be booked online. I have healing sessions, and birth/rebirth doula sessions& packages that can be done live or virtual. Things are coming along, feeling the expansion as baby grows, so do I, holistically.

Check out the changes I have made, feedback is appreciated ❤️

I love you 🥰


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